Follow Along as Būnduke Inspires Students Across the Country

“I use my story to inspire people. I almost died at birth but God had other plans for me. I put it all in my music and my message to motivate others and impact lives.”

Watch Būnduke on Netflix's Rhythm + Flow Season 2


Taking It Beyond Speaking With Powerful Performances



    Būnduke leads with the idea of building GRIT which stands for Growth, Resilience, Integrity and Tenacity. His "Don't Quit" initiative teaches students the pillars of persistence.


    From family and finance to health and school-life balance, Būnduke incorporates the aspects that have been identified as key retention factors.


    Būnduke encourages seeking guidance, mentorship and structure. Studies show that these are three major factors of success.


    Būnduke shows how creating has the ability to influence human thoughts. The right music can help promote a positive mindset, confidence and resilience.

Book Būnduke

If you are looking to book Būnduke for an Event/Engagement please fill out the form as accurately as possible. We will reach out via EMAIL if your booking request is being considered. 



What schools & orgs are saying

"Bring Būnduke to your campus!"

"We brought Būnduke to Saint Leo University, it was amazing, the students adored him, his message was uplifting, he’s super talented and you should definitely bring him to your campus too!"

- Dr. Jen Day Shaw

Vice President of Student Affairs


"Inspirational and engaging motivational speaker"

“Būnduke is an inspirational and engaging motivational speaker who captures the audience with his passion, stories, and energy. I am grateful to know Būnduke as a friend, professional, and performer.”

- Dr. Anthony DeSantis

Assistant Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs




Būnduke is a motivational speaker, musical artist, entrepreneur and philanthropist. Būnduke's
music breathes fresh air into the industry. His message is a direct reflection of his life and experiences. He creates an eclectic sound with meaningful words that captivate
the audience.

Born as a South Sudanese immigrant to parents who escaped the civil war of Sudan as refugees, Būnduke is no stranger to struggle and adversity. He has exemplified resilience from the moment of his birth. During his birth in Cairo, Egypt, he was too large to come out of his mother's womb and was stuck. There was no time for a C-section operation because he was losing oxygen too fast. The doctors couldn't pull him out and his mother couldn't push him out in time.

He lost all oxygen and was pronounced dead. To save his mother, the doctors had to forcibly remove him and set him to the side. His mother then asked for her son, Būnduke's lifeless body which she began to pray over. Minutes later, by the grace of God, he began to breathe. He is a true miracle-child.

Unfortunately, due to the force that was used to pull him out Būnduke suffered what is called a Brachial Plexus Injury. He has permanent nerve damage, bone deformation and muscle atrophy to his right arm. This is an injury that challenges Būnduke
every day of his life.

Throughout his life and his time in college, Būnduke faced many challenges but with the guidance of mentors and student resources he was able to beat the odds and achieve his academic and personal goals. With his personal journey and hardships in mind, Būnduke decided to build a program around working with students who are facing similar struggles. He uses his talks and music as a motivational tool to inspire, educate and promote the importance of higher education and achieving your life goals.

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